I have available a 60-minute video reading that will arrive in your email account.

This reading is all about you and what is going on in your life right now. Do you feel you just cannot move forward in your life? Is it like you feel you are in a huge dust storm and you cannot see or think or you just do not know if you should go left or right or just keep walking forward and you are confused so you seem you are just stuck? Well, this is the reading you need if this is how you feel.

 In this reading, I will tune into your energy and will find what you need to focus on to help you progress. I want with spirits help to find the answers you need, so you can step out of those chains that are holding you back and blocking you from moving forward. 

This reading will be sent to your email account and will be a recorded video of me doing your reading.

 If you have a question you would like to ask, this can be done by sending it to me at the contact form after payment. But questions are really not needed as I will know from when I tune into your energy. 

Please make sure you read the reading disclaimer before you purchase the reading. 

*This reading will be delivered from 3 hours to 24 hours to your email account except in NSW AU holidays which can take up to 48 hours. If you have any concerns contact me Here  


Readings are unavailable until further notice